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Arthi Comercial Ltda.

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Sobre nós

Located at 70km from São Paulo in the city of Bom Jesus dos Perdões, Arthi Comercial is today one of the leading companies in the Brazilian market of household utilities. Arthi manufactures table, cleaning, bathroom and gardening products, thus taking part of most Brazilian homes everyday.

With more than 500 items that are distributed in thousands of points-of-sales throughout Brasil and abroad, Arthi has been consolidating its name in the market for over 20 years. Arthi seeks to meet its consumer needs by giving priority to quality, design and functionality of its products through ongoing investments in technology and professional qualification.

As Arthi is turned to its consumer satisfaction, it started to produce plastic products in its plant unit in addition to its chromated steel products, becoming a completely success in terms of sales.All this is committed to an environmental management, since the processes and procedures are constantly evaluated and it is sought an improvement for using raw materials and basic inputs in order to minimize and adequately treat the created residues.

This environmental conscientization makes Arthi maintain and give priority to a continuous effluent treatment station that is regarded as a model in the region. It has a CETESBs operating permit.

ARTHI, a company that is constantly searching for the balance between productivity and respect for human being and environment.

Mais sobre a
Arthi Comercial Ltda.

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio

Palavras chaves
  • plastics
  • arthi
  • household utilities
  • manufactures table
  • cleaning
  • bathroom
  • gardening products
  • Ver Mais

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Jorge ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Bom Jesus dos Perdões / SP | Brasil

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