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Braçaí Superfood LMA Group

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Sobre nós

As part of the Lemarc Agromond Group, we at Braçaí bring the advantages and benefits of acai to the world. The brand was registered in 2020 and its factory is located in Benevides, in the state of Pará. The state was chosen due to the quality, color and flavor of the fruits grown in the region. Lemarc Agromond is an integrated agriculture and food company with the vision of serving the nutritional needs of the world in a sustainable way through business operating at all stages of the food cycle. From this vision, Lemarc Agromond created the Braçaí brand, acquiring its first acai pulp industry.

Principais Mercados

  • Asia
  • Europa Oriental
  • Oriente Médio
  • América do norte
  • Oceania
  • Sudoeste da Asia
  • Europa Ocidental

Mais sobre a
Braçaí Superfood LMA Group

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200K - 500K

Volume de vendas (USD)

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% Vendas com exportação

Não informado


Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Fabricante

Palavras chaves
  • Açaí
  • orgânico
  • puro
  • vegano
  • polpa

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Paulo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 91********
  • map-marker Benevides / PA | Brasil

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