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Mircale Trims(Shanghai) INT'L Trading CO., LTD.

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Sobre nós

Mircale Trims is an international trims solution company located in Shanghai city. We are experienced in zippers and snap buttons production and service, our zipper production plant is located in Zhejiang, we start zipper production since 1995. Button production plants are located in Fujian, one for all kinds of metal buttons and parts production, another one for all kinds of polyester, shells buttons and parts production. All the factories are with Oekotex, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. We provide all types of zippers (i.e. coil/plastic/metal/water resistance), For snap buttons, we had materials in metal, shell, polyester, wood, etc. Snap buttons, rivets, snap fasteners, jeans buttons, press buttons, rope stoppers, bubble buttons, wrap buttons, hole buttons, etc. The aim of Mircale Trims is, with more than 19 years industries experience, providing all the garment trims (zippers and snap buttons) with the most reasonable price and secure quality, most of all, the best service and after-sales service to all business partner.

Mais sobre a
Mircale Trims(Shanghai) INT'L Trading CO., LTD.

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio

Palavras chaves
  • buttons
  • garment accessories
  • kitchen gadget
  • sticky note

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Matt ********
  • icone de telefone +55 18********
  • map-marker / AM | Brasil

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