CAS no.: 123093-85-6 Fórmula molecular: CaO6P2 Peso molecular: 198.02 [1] Pureza de edição de conteúdo 99% Pentóxido de fósforo 63,9-72,62% Óxido de cálcio 18-26,8% ácido fosfórico livre 0,02-0,00% perda de peso de ignição 0,02-0,035% ferro 1,5-3ppm cobre0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm>0.5-1ppm [title 2] Physical and chemical properties Calcium metaphosphate calcium metaphosphate C.'a (PC73) Density 2.82} rlcm3 Melting point 9} a} so}:. There are two types: glassy and crystalline. Glass like pure product is a colorless and transparent polymer [Ca (P03) 2] Two. Has slight hygroscopicity in the air. It can dissolve and hydrolyze very slowly in water, but it can quickly decompose into Monocalcium phosphate in the presence of acid or water vapor. The industrial product is light green in color, with a total phosphorus content of 64% -570IoY} OS and a soluble phosphorus content of 52% -6fi% PROS. It is a high concentration structure soluble phosphate fertilizer. The crystalline form is white, insoluble in water, and difficult to dissolve in citric acid solution. It cannot be used as a fertilizer, and other uses have not been found. It is made by burning phosphorus into Phosphorus pentoxide in air, and then mixing with phosphate rock powder in the presence of high temperature and water vapor. It can be used as a base fertilizer. The yield increase effect on legumes, forage, grains and wheat is equal to or slightly higher than that of Superphosphate with the same phosphorus content. Calcium metaphosphate can also be used as an additive material in the production of Sodium hexametaphosphate.
- Exemplos de reagentes Reagente de Grignard
- reagente de Tollens
- reagente de Fehling
- reagente de Millon
- reagente de Collins e reagente de Fenton
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- Alessandro wenzel
- +49 xxxxxxxx
- Frankfurt / Frankfurt | Alemanha