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Haiyan Yingjie Fastener Co.,ltd

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Sobre nós

Haiyan Yingjie Fastener Co., Ltd. founded in 2002, is a professional manufacturer of fasteners. The company is located 71 kilometers from Provincial Highway 01, Tongyuan Town Industrial Park, Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang province. It is 110 kilometers from shanghai to the north and 82kilometers from Hangzhou to the south. The geographical position is superior and the traffic is very convenient. The North and South Lakes, the wonders of the world, Haining tide and many famous places are within easy reach.

Principais Mercados

  • Asia

Mais sobre a
Haiyan Yingjie Fastener Co.,ltd

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Fabricante
  • Empresa trading

Palavras chaves
  • Stud Bolt For Sale

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Haiyan ********
  • icone de telefone +86 5 ********
  • map-marker Anamã / AM | Brasil

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