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Jiangsu Hengyun Import and Export Co., Ltd

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Sobre nós

Jiangsu Hengyun Import and Export Limited Company is a German financial institutions cooperation enterprises, The company’s main business to import and export agents, freight agents, international trade finance, accounts receivable-based. We understand every detail of international trade and cash flow management. We focus on the financing gap of each production order, which can really help the enterprise to maintain and develop its business. Enterprises engaged in international trade can use our financial support to enliven cash flow and obtain new impetus for business development.

Principais Mercados

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europa Oriental
  • Oriente Médio
  • América do norte
  • Oceania
  • América do Sul
  • Sudoeste da Asia
  • Europa Ocidental

Mais sobre a
Jiangsu Hengyun Import and Export Co., Ltd

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Volume de vendas (USD)

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% Vendas com exportação



Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Representante comercial
  • Prestador de serviço

Palavras chaves
  • 信用证融资,国际应收账款,T/T应收账款,进出口代理,报关清关代理,一般贸易代理,货运代理

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Jiangsu ********
  • icone de telefone +86 51********
  • map-marker 苏州 / 江苏 | China

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