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New Age Physical Therapy

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Sobre nós

New Age Physical Therapy Provides complete clinical education and health promotional therapy. The center is the hub of physical therapy and rehabilitation and health sciences. New Age Physical Therapy center offers comprehensive accessment, therapy and special services for neurological and musculoskeletal problems. We Provides state of the art medicine and therapy solution.
The goal of New Age Physical Therapy Center is to help you to Prevent joint problems, shorten recovery time, and regain full functionality. If you are looking for physical therapy center in New York Then New Age Physical Therapy is perfect place to get physical solution.
Out team of expert therapist works perfectly to get complete physical solution. Whenever you will start therapy at here, you will get treatment plan and comprehensive evaluation que is managed as per your requirements.
We have mastery on orthopedic conditions, accident injury, sports injury, skeletal muscle and sports rehabilitation, pre-post surgical rehabilitation and gait training and balance disorder.

Mais sobre a
New Age Physical Therapy

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Prestador de serviço

Palavras chaves
  • Physical Therapy

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Nirav ********
  • icone de telefone +55 71********
  • map-marker Queens / AC | Brasil

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